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Configuration Options {#Configuration Options}

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Environment Variables {#Environment Variables}

The following environment variables can be used to configure the Dagu. Default values are provided in the parentheses:

  • DAGU_HOST ( The host to bind the server to.
  • DAGU_PORT (8080): The port to bind the server to.
  • DAGU_DAGS ($DAGU_HOME/dags): The directory containing the DAGs.
  • DAGU_IS_BASIC_AUTH (0): Set to 1 to enable basic authentication.
  • DAGU_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME (""): The username to use for basic authentication.
  • DAGU_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD (""): The password to use for basic authentication.
  • DAGU_LOG_DIR ($DAGU_HOME/logs): The directory where logs will be stored.
  • DAGU_DATA_DIR ($DAGU_HOME/data): The directory where application data will be stored.
  • DAGU_SUSPEND_FLAGS_DIR ($DAGU_HOME/suspend): The directory containing DAG suspend flags.
  • DAGU_ADMIN_LOG_DIR ($DAGU_HOME/logs/admin): The directory where admin logs will be stored.
  • DAGU_BASE_CONFIG ($DAGU_HOME/config.yaml): The path to the base configuration file.
  • DAGU_NAVBAR_COLOR (""): The color to use for the navigation bar. E.g., red or #ff0000.
  • DAGU_NAVBAR_TITLE (Dagu): The title to display in the navigation bar. E.g., Dagu - PROD or Dagu - DEV
  • DAGU_WORK_DIR: The working directory for DAGs. If not set, the default value is DAG location. Also you can set the working directory for each DAG steps in the DAG configuration file. For more information, see specifying working dir{.interpreted-text role=“ref”}.
  • DAGU_WORK_DIR: The working directory for DAGs. If not set, the default value is DAG location. Also you can set the working directory for each DAG steps in the DAG configuration file. For more information, see specifying working dir{.interpreted-text role=“ref”}.
  • DAGU_CERT_FILE: The path to the SSL certificate file.
  • DAGU_KEY_FILE : The path to the SSL key file.

Note: If DAGU_HOME environment variable is not set, the default value is $HOME/.dagu.

Config File

You can create admin.yaml file in the $DAGU_HOME directory (default: $HOME/.dagu/) to override the default configuration values. The following configuration options are available:

host: <hostname for web UI address>                          # default:
port: <port number for web UI address>                       # default: 8080

# path to the DAGs directory
dags: <the location of DAG configuration files>              # default: ${DAGU_HOME}/dags

# Web UI Color & Title
navbarColor: <admin-web header color>                        # header color for web UI (e.g. "#ff0000")
navbarTitle: <admin-web title text>                          # header title for web UI (e.g. "PROD")

# Basic Auth
isBasicAuth: <true|false>                                    # enables basic auth
basicAuthUsername: <username for basic auth of web UI>       # basic auth user
basicAuthPassword: <password for basic auth of web UI>       # basic auth password

# Base Config
baseConfig: <base DAG config path>                           # default: ${DAGU_HOME}/config.yaml

# Working Directory
workDir: <working directory for DAGs>                        # default: DAG location

# SSL Configuration
    certFile: <path to SSL certificate file>
    keyFile: <path to SSL key file>

Server's Host and Port Configuration {#Host and Port Configuration}

To specify the host and port for running the Dagu server, there are a couple of ways to do it.

The first way is to specify the DAGU_HOST and DAGU_PORT environment variables. For example, you could run the following command:

DAGU_PORT=8000 dagu server

The second way is to use the --host and --port options when running the dagu server command. For example:

dagu server --port=8000

See Environment Variables{.interpreted-text role=“ref”} for more information.