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Yaml Format

YAML Format {#Yaml Format}

::: {.contents local=""} :::

Minimal DAG Definition

The minimal DAG definition is as simple as follows.

  - name: step 1
    command: echo hello
  - name: step 2
    command: echo world
      - step 1

Specifying Working Directory {#specifying working dir}

  - name: step 1
    dir: /path/to/working/directory
    command: some command

Running Arbitrary Code Snippets

script field provides a way to run arbitrary snippets of code in any language.

  - name: step 1
    command: "bash"
    script: |
      cd /tmp
      echo "hello world" > hello
      cat hello      
    output: RESULT
  - name: step 2
    command: echo ${RESULT} # hello world
      - step 1

Defining Environment Variables

You can define environment variables and refer to them using the env field.

  - SOME_DIR: ${HOME}/batch
  - SOME_FILE: ${SOME_DIR}/some_file 
  - name: some task in some dir
    dir: ${SOME_DIR}
    command: python main.py ${SOME_FILE}

Defining and Using Parameters

You can define parameters using the params field and refer to each parameter as $1, $2, etc. Parameters can also be command substitutions or environment variables. It can be overridden by the --params= parameter of the start command.

params: param1 param2
  - name: some task with parameters
    command: python main.py $1 $2

Named parameters are also available as follows.

params: ONE=1 TWO=`echo 2`
  - name: some task with parameters
    command: python main.py $ONE $TWO

Using Command Substitution

You can use command substitution in field values. I.e., a string enclosed in backquotes (`) is evaluated as a command and replaced with the result of standard output.

  TODAY: "`date '+%Y%m%d'`"
  - name: hello
    command: "echo hello, today is ${TODAY}"

Adding Conditional Logic

Sometimes you have parts of a DAG that you only want to run under certain conditions. You can use the preconditions field to add conditional branches to your DAG.

For example, the task below only runs on the first date of each month.

  - name: A monthly task
    command: monthly.sh
      - condition: "`date '+%d'`"
        expected: "01"

If you want the DAG to continue to the next step regardless of the step's conditional check result, you can use the continueOn field:

  - name: A monthly task
    command: monthly.sh
      - condition: "`date '+%d'`"
        expected: "01"
      skipped: true

User Defined Functions

You can define functions in the DAG file and call them in steps. The params field is required for functions. The args field is used to pass arguments to functions. The arguments can be command substitutions or environment variables.

  - name: my_function
    params: param1 param2
    command: python main.py $param1 $param2

  - name: step 1
      function: my_function
        param1: 1
        param2: 2

Setting Environment Variables with Standard Output

The output field can be used to set an environment variable with standard output. Leading and trailing space will be trimmed automatically. The environment variables can be used in subsequent steps.

  - name: step 1
    command: "echo foo"
    output: FOO # will contain "foo"

Redirecting Stdout and Stderr

The [stdout]{.title-ref} field can be used to write standard output to a file.

  - name: create a file
    command: "echo hello"
    stdout: "/tmp/hello" # the content will be "hello\n"

The [stderr]{.title-ref} field allows to redirect stderr to other file without writing to the normal log file.

  - name: output error file
    command: "echo error message >&2"
    stderr: "/tmp/error.txt"

Adding Lifecycle Hooks

It is often desirable to take action when a specific event happens, for example, when a DAG fails. To achieve this, you can use [handlerOn]{.title-ref} fields.

    command: notify_error.sh
    command: cleanup.sh
  - name: A task
    command: main.sh

Repeating a Task at Regular Intervals

If you want a task to repeat execution at regular intervals, you can use the [repeatPolicy]{.title-ref} field. If you want to stop the repeating task, you can use the [stop]{.title-ref} command to gracefully stop the task.

  - name: A task
    command: main.sh
      repeat: true
      intervalSec: 60

Scheduling a DAG with Cron Expression

You can use the [schedule]{.title-ref} field to schedule a DAG with Cron expression.

schedule: "5 4 * * *" # Run at 04:05.
  - name: scheduled job
    command: job.sh

See scheduler configuration{.interpreted-text role=“ref”} for more details.

All Available Fields for DAGs

This section provides a comprehensive list of available fields that can be used to configure DAGs and their steps in detail. Each field serves a specific purpose, enabling granular control over how the DAG runs. The fields include:

  • name: The name of the DAG, which is optional. The default name is the name of the file.
  • description: A brief description of the DAG.
  • schedule: The execution schedule of the DAG in Cron expression format.
  • group: The group name to organize DAGs, which is optional.
  • tags: Free tags that can be used to categorize DAGs, separated by commas.
  • env: Environment variables that can be accessed by the DAG and its steps.
  • logDir: The directory where the standard output is written. The default value is ${DAGU_HOME}/logs/dags.
  • restartWaitSec: The number of seconds to wait after the DAG process stops before restarting it.
  • histRetentionDays: The number of days to retain execution history (not for log files).
  • delaySec: The interval time in seconds between steps.
  • maxActiveRuns: The maximum number of parallel running steps.
  • params: The default parameters that can be referred to by $1, $2, and so on.
  • preconditions: The conditions that must be met before a DAG or step can run.
  • mailOn: Whether to send an email notification when a DAG or step fails or succeeds.
  • MaxCleanUpTimeSec: The maximum time to wait after sending a TERM signal to running steps before killing them.
  • handlerOn: The command to execute when a DAG or step succeeds, fails, cancels, or exits.
  • steps: A list of steps to execute in the DAG.

In addition, a global configuration file, $DAGU_HOME/config.yaml, can be used to gather common settings, such as logDir or env.

Note: If DAGU_HOME environment variable is not set, the default path is $HOME/.dagu/config.yaml.


name: DAG name
description: run a DAG               
schedule: "0 * * * *"                
group: DailyJobs                     
tags: example                        
  - LOG_DIR: ${HOME}/logs
  - PATH: /usr/local/bin:${PATH}
logDir: ${LOG_DIR}                   
restartWaitSec: 60                   
histRetentionDays: 3                 
delaySec: 1                          
maxActiveRuns: 1                     
params: param1 param2                
  - condition: "`echo $2`"           
    expected: "param2"               
  failure: true                      
  success: true                      
MaxCleanUpTimeSec: 300               
    command: "echo succeed"          
    command: "echo failed"           
    command: "echo canceled"         
    command: "echo finished"         

All Available Fields for Steps

Each step can have its own set of configurations, including:

  • name: The name of the step.
  • description: A brief description of the step.
  • dir: The working directory for the step.
  • command: The command and parameters to execute.
  • stdout: The file to which the standard output is written.
  • output: The variable to which the result is written.
  • script: The script to execute.
  • signalOnStop: The signal name (e.g., SIGINT) to be sent when the process is stopped.
  • mailOn: Whether to send an email notification when the step fails or succeeds.
  • continueOn: Whether to continue to the next step, regardless of whether the step failed or not or the preconditions are met or not.
  • retryPolicy: The retry policy for the step.
  • repeatPolicy: The repeat policy for the step.
  • preconditions: The conditions that must be met before a step can run.


  - name: some task                  
    description: some task           
    dir: ${HOME}/logs                
    command: bash                    
    stdout: /tmp/outfile
    script: |
      echo "any script"      
    signalOnStop: "SIGINT"           
      failure: true                  
      success: true                  
      failure: true                  
      skipped: true                  
      limit: 2                       
      intervalSec: 5                 
      repeat: true                   
      intervalSec: 60                
      - condition: "`echo $1`"       
        expected: "param1"