By default, the execution history data is retained for 30 days. However, you can customize this setting by modifying the [histRetentionDays]{.title-ref} field in a YAML file.
To configure the host and port for [dagu server]{.title-ref}, you can
set the environment variables [DAGU_HOST]{.title-ref} and
[DAGU_PORT]{.title-ref}. Refer to the
Configuration Options
{.interpreted-text role=“ref”} for more details.
You can customize the directory used to store DAG files by setting the
environment variable [DAGU_DAGS]{.title-ref}. See
Configuration Options
{.interpreted-text role=“ref”} for more
If you want to retry a DAG from a specific task, you can set the status of that task to [failed]{.title-ref} by clicking the step in the Web UI. When you rerun the DAG, it will execute the failed task and any subsequent tasks.
[dagu]{.title-ref} uses Unix sockets to communicate with running processes.